Frequently asked questions
I don't want to book right away. Can I take an option online?
The accommodations at Vipio are very popular and are often booked. Therefore, it is only possible to book directly.
Can I arrive/depart at a different time?
If you would like to arrive and/or depart at a different time, in some cases this is possible. After booking you can contact the landlord to discuss this. Note: later check-in or check-out is an exception and not possible with all providers.
Can I bring my dog to an accommodation?
Not all accommodations at Vipio allow you to bring a dog (pet). In the search result you can use filters on the left side. Under the filter 'Characteristics' you will find 'Pets allowed'. By selecting this you will see all accommodations where you can bring a pet.
Can I change anything about my booking?
In principle you cannot change anything after you have made a booking. If you do have urgent questions about your booking, it is best to contact the landlord directly.
How can I pay at Vipio?
At Vipio, you can pay with credit card, Klarna, iDeal, Google Pay, and Apple Pay, among other options
When can I check in and/or check out?
Each accommodation on Vipio will indicate when you can check in and out.
Do I need to bring my own bed linen?
It varies per accommodation whether you need to bring your own bed linen. In most cases this can be found in the description of the accommodation. If it is not clear, you can always contact the landlord after booking. The phone number and email address of the landlord can be found on the booking confirmation you received from Vipio.
I did not receive a booking confirmation?
Normally, the booking confirmation is sent to your e-mail address immediately after your booking on Vipio. If you have not received the confirmation after 15 minutes please check your spam-box (unwanted email). If the booking confirmation cannot be found there either, please send an email to with the problem and your name. It is possible that you can no longer find your booking confirmation. If you would like to receive your latest booking confirmation again please click
Contact us
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We strive to answer your email within 48 hours. In the meantime, check out our frequently asked questions